
Multi-mode Display

WebDropDown™ allows you to specify one of several different behavioral modes. For instance, you may want your end-users to simply select from a list of values without allowing them to type into the drop-down editor. Other times, you may want your end-users to type into the drop-down editor and try to find a list item by auto-filtering. You may even want to use WebDropDown as a read-only lookup control where the display value represents a user-friendly string that comes from a lookup table so that you do not have to present meaningless foreign key values to your end-users. These behavioral modes are a functionality of the WebDropDown control’s DisplayMode property.

The following is a list of WebDropDown display modes:


  • The end-user will be able to select an item from the value list.

  • No editing of the display value will be allowed.

  • No auto filtering.

  • The end-user will be able to display the drop-down.


  • The end-user will be able to select an item from the value list.

  • Editing of the display value will be allowed.

  • Auto filtering can be done.

  • The end-user will be able to display the drop-down.


  • The end-user will not be able to select an item from the value list.

  • No editing of the display value will be allowed.

  • No auto filtering.

  • The end-user will not be able to display the drop-down.


  • The end-user will not be able to select an item from the value list.

  • No editing of the display value will be allowed.

  • No auto filtering.

  • The end-user will be able to display the drop-down.


When the control provides both display and value properties or when templating is used, the TextField property should be set.

You can set the DisplayMode property either using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Property Window or by using the following code:

In Visual Basic:

WebDropDown1.DisplayMode = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownDisplayMode.ReadOnlyList

In C#:

WebDropDown1.DisplayMode = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownDisplayMode.ReadOnlyList;