
Keyboard Navigation

WebDropDown™ supports keyboard navigation.

  • TAB - Sets focus on the drop-down.

  • ALT + AccessKey (ALT + SHIFT + AccessKey) - Places focus on the drop-down.

  • ESC - Automatically closes the drop-down and cancels any animations that are currently executing when the drop-down container is opened or while it is opening.

  • ALT+DOWN ARROW - Shows the drop-down container once the focus is on the drop-down.

  • ALT+ UP ARROW - Hides the drop-down container once the focus is on the drop-down.

  • DOWN ARROW & UP ARROW - Navigates through the items and the current item is automatically activated and selected when the drop-down container is shown; the drop-down container should only be closed when the end-user presses ESC or ENTER .

  • ENTER - Invokes NavigateUrl.

  • SPACE +CTRL - Selects or deselects an item when multiple selection is enabled.

  • CTRL + UP/DOWN - Changes the current active item but doesn’t modify selection when multiple selection is enabled (exactly as it is in Windows Explorer).

  • HOME - Scrolls to the first drop-down item, selects and activates it.

  • END - Scrolls to the last drop-down item, selects and activates it.