

WebDropDown™ supports different types of animations for when the drop-down container opens. By default, animations are enabled in WebDropDown. You can turn off this feature by setting the EnableAnimations property to False. You can easily set the animation duration by setting the WebDropDown control’s DropDownAnimationDuration property. The following are the different types of animations you can set by setting the control’s DropDownAnimationType property:

  • Linear — Displays the drop-down container with constant speed, based on the animation duration.

  • EaseIn — Displays the drop-down container slowly at the beginning but accelerates afterwards based on the animation duration.

  • EaseOut — Displays the drop-down container rapidly at the beginning but decelerates afterwards based on the animation duration.

  • EaseInOut — Displays the drop-down container slowly at the beginning but accelerates afterwards and then decelerates at the end, based on the animation duration.

  • Bounce — Displays all the items in the drop-down container, and then closes the drop-down container for some extent and again shows all the items (like a ball bouncing).

You can set the drop-down animation type either through the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Property Window or by using the following code:

In Visual Basic:

WebDropDown1.DropDownAnimationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownAnimationTypes.EaseInOut

In C#:

WebDropDown1.DropDownAnimationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownAnimationTypes.EaseInOut;