
About WebDialogWindow

The WebDialogWindow™ control is able to bypass several pop-up blockers in modern browser by displaying as a simple <DIV> section in your web page, but appearing as a pop-up window. WebDialogWindow allows you to easily add dialog box functionality to any web application. The WebDialogWindow’s content area, being a <DIV> itself, can contain any HTML or ASP.NET object. You can display WebDialogWindow as either a modal or non-modal dialog box.

WebDialogWindow seamlessly integrates into the Infragistics Application Styling framework. With CSS based properties, you can manually customize the WebDialogWindow control by leveraging your existing style sheets.

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WebDialogWindow supports the following features:

  • Modal/Non-Modal Modes - WebDialogWindow allows you to set whether the control displays as modal or non-modal. Choosing the right mode can control the flow of your application and guarantee an action from your end user when you need one.

  • Header - WebDialogWindow displays a header area, which can contain text as well as several buttons including close, minimize, and maximize to control the dialog window.

  • Resizing - When necessary, your end user can resize WebDialogWindow at run time.

  • Location - You can either manually set WebDialogWindow’s start location or allow it to display automatically in the center of your application.

  • Window State - Your end user can minimize or maximize WebDialogWindows, or you can hide it from your end user altogether.