
Infragistics.Web.UI Namespace (WebDataGrid)

Activation Activation behavior object of the grid.
ActiveCellChangedEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the active cell changed event handler.
ActiveCellChangingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the active cell changing event handler.
AddNewGridRow Override of the GridRow object. Adds functionality for the add new row off the grid.
AJAXResponseErrorEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler when the AJAX request fails. It is cancelable so the default error message can be prevented.
AJAXResponseEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler.
BatchUpdateUndoingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the batch undoing event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
BatchUpdateUndoneEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the CellValueChangedEventArgs event handler.
BrowserEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the browser event handler when an event occurs. This event is cancelable and if it is canceled, the event will not be processed by the grid.
CalculateCustomSummaryArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising CalculateCustomSummary event
CalculateSummaryEventArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising CalculateSummary event
CancelAddRowEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the row adding event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
CancelApplyFiltersEventArgs Object for cancelable event arguments used in the Filtering behavior for the DataFiltering event.
CancelBehaviorEventArgs Base object for cancelable event arguments used in the grid behaviors.
CancelCellValueChangingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the cell value changing event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
CancelEditModeEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the EnteringEditMode and ExitingEditMode event handlers. Provides an option to cancel the events.
CancelEditRowEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the TemplateOpening and TemplateClosing event handlers. Provides an option to cancel the events.
CancelHeaderCheckBoxEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into an event handler for header checkbox clicking This event is cancelable.
CancelMoreRowsRequestingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the more rows requesting event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
CancelRowEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into an event handler that is related to a row. This event is cancelable.
CancelRowsDeletingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowsDeleting event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
CancelUpdateRowEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the row updating event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event.
CellEditing Editing behavior object of the grid.
CellSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the CellSelectionChanged event handler.
CellSelectionChangingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the CellSelectionChanging event handler.
CellValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the CellValueChangedEventArgs event handler.
ClientBinding The object contains definition of a client binding that binds a control to a row's cell.
ClientCancelUpdateRowEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the row updating event handler. Provides an option to cancel the event. Has a default setting of
ClientColumnFilter Object that defines rule and value based filtering condition. This object does not preserve its state.
ClientColumnSummaryInfo Object that defines a column summary for the grid column. Object doesn't preserve view state until added to collection.
ClientCondition Object that defines rule and value based filtering condition. This object does not preserve its state.
ClientFixedColumnInfo Fixed column object to be used in the FixedStateChanging event.
ClientSummary Object that defines a summary on a column summary info object. This object does not preserve its state.
Clipboard Clipboard behavior object of the grid.
ClipboardEventArgs Event arguments object passed into a clipboard related event handler.
ColumnCollection Column collection object. Contains the grid's columns.
ColumnEditableSetting Object that defines a column editable setting for a grid behavior.
ColumnEditor Object that defines a column editor for the grid columns.
ColumnFilter Object that defines a column filter for the grid column.
ColumnFilterAddedArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising ColumnFilterAdded event
ColumnFilterAddingRemovingEventArgs Object for event arguments used in the Filtering behavior for Adding/Removing column filters.
ColumnFilterSettings Object that defines a column filter setting for the grid column.
ColumnFixing Column fixing behavior for the WebDataGrid.
ColumnFixingAction Object for event arguments used in the ColumnFixing behaviors to make full or partial postbacks.
ColumnFixingSettings Object that defines a column fixing setting for the grid column.
ColumnMoveSetting ColumnMoveSetting object of the grid.
ColumnMoveSettings A collection of ColumnMoveSetting objects.
ColumnMoving ColumnMoving behavior object of the grid.
ColumnResizedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the ColumnResized event handler.
ColumnResizeDraggingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the ColumnResizeDragging event handler.
ColumnResizeSetting ColumnResizeSetting object of the grid.
ColumnResizeSettings A collection of ColumnResizeSetting objects.
ColumnResizing ColumnResizing behavior object of the grid.
ColumnResizingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the ColumnResizing event handler.
ColumnSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the ColumnSelectionChanged event handler.
ColumnSelectionChangingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the ColumnSelectionChanging event handler.
ColumnSetting Object that defines a column setting for a grid behavior.
ColumnSummaryInfo Object that defines a column summary info for the grid column.
DataFilteredArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising DataFiltered event
DeleteRowButtonEventArgs Event arguments object used by events related to delete-button of RowDeleting behavior of WebDataGrid.
DropDownProvider The object defines the WebDropDown editor provider for a column. Overrides the EditorProvider object.
EditingCore Updating behavior object of the grid.
EditModeActions The object contains actions that will cause the grid to enter edit mode.
EditModeEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the EnteredEditMode and ExitedEditMode event handlers.
EditorProvider Base class for all editor providers in the grid.
EditRowEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the TemplateOpened and TemplateClosed event handlers.
EnteredRowEditEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the EnteredEditMode and ExitedEditMode event handlers.
EnteringRowEditEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the EnteringEditMode event used by RowEditing.
ExitedRowEditEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into ExitingEditMode and ExitedEditMode event handler used by RowEditing.
ExitingRowEditEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into ExitingEditMode and ExitedEditMode event handler used by RowEditing.
Filtering Filtering behavior object of the grid.
FilteringAction Object for event arguments used in the Filtering behaviors to make full or partial postbacks.
FilteringNodeObject Object that defines rule and value based filtering condition.
FilterRow Override of the GridRow object. Adds functionality for the filter row off the grid.
FixedColumnInfo Fixed column object.
FixedEvenArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising FixedStateChanged event
FixingEventArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising FixedStateChanging event
FixUnfixColumnEventArgs Object for event arguments used in the ColumnFixing behavior for Fixing/Unfixing a column.
FlagsHelper This class is for internal use only. Provides helper methods for decoding and coding UIFlags.
GridAction Object contains info about an action that the grid is passing back to the server.
GridActionTransactionList List of grid transactions to pass back to the server.
GridAffectedItems Collection of row and row ID pairs to be deleted.
GridAJAXResponseEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler.
GridBehavior Base object for the behaviors used in the grid.
GridBehaviorCollection Grid behavior collections. Contains helper properties for explicit access to the behaviors.
GridBehaviorContainer Base object for the behaviors that contain other child behaviors.
GridCell Grid cell object.
GridCellReadOnlyCollection Read-only collection of grid cells.
GridColumn Grid column object.
GridColumnCaption Grid column caption (header or footer) object.
GridColumnReadOnlyCollection Read-only collection of grid columns.
GridEditBase Editing behavior object of the grid.
GridRow Grid row object.
GridRowCollection Row collection object. Contains the grid's rows.
GridRowReadOnlyCollection Read-only collection of grid rows.
GridSelectedCellCollection Selected cells collection. Manipulating with the items of this collection means selecting/unselecting cells in the grid.
GridSelectedColumnCollection Selected columns collection. Manipulating with the items of this collection means selecting/unselecting columns in the grid.
GridSelectedRowCollection Selected rows collection. Manipulating with the items of this collection means selecting/unselecting rows in the grid.
GridSelectionCollection Base class for selected object collections in the grid.
GridUtility Grid's utility object. Contains helper methods to work with the grid.
HashTree A simple tree stucture using Javascript objects
HeaderCheckBoxEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into an event handler for header checkbox clicked
HeaderDragStartEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the PageIndexChanging event handler.
HeaderLayoutColumn Object that defines a band.
HeaderMoveEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the PageIndexChanging event handler.
ImageCheckBox Represents an Image CheckBox capable of display in tri-state or bi-state mode. In bi-state the checkbox offers two states - checked and unchecked. In tri-state the checkbox offers three states - checked, unchecked and partial.
ImageObject An object that has an associated image element and the concept of different states, such as Normal, Hover, Pressed, and Disabled.
ItemEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the browser event handler when an event occurs. Also if a grid's object such as cell, header, footer is availale, a reference to it is provided through the event arguments. This event is cancelable and if it is canceled, the event will not be processed by the grid.
ListItem Represents an item for flat data controls.
MarginRowSelectorClickedEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the HeaderRowSelectorClicked and FooterRowSelectorClicked event handler.
MonthCalendarProvider The object defines the WebTextEditor editor provider for a column. Overrides the EditorProvider object.
MoreRowsReceivedEventArgs Event arguments object passed into event raised after rows were received from server.
MoveEventArgs Class for object used as parameter while raising Move events.
PagerEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the PageIndexChanging event handler.
Paging Paging behavior object of the grid.
RatingProvider The object defines the WebRating editor provider for a column. Overrides the EditorProvider object.
RowAddedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowAdded event handler.
RowAdding RowAdding behavior object of the grid.
RowAddingSetting Object that defines a column editable setting for a grid behavior.
RowDeleting Deleting behavior object of the grid.
RowEditCell Object used for items in getCells() method of editing events.
RowEditing Behavior which allows to put all cells in a row of WebDataGrid in edit mode.
RowEditingTemplate Edit row behavior object of the grid.
RowEditModeActions The object contains actions that will cause a row to enter edit mode. Inherited from the EditModeActions object.
RowEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into an event handler that is related to a row.
RowsDeletedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowsDeleted event handler.
RowSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowSelectionChanged event handler.
RowSelectionChangingEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowSelectionChanging event handler.
RowSelectorClickedEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the RowSelectorClicked event handler.
RowSelectorClickingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the RowSelectorClicking event handler.
RowSelectors Row selectors behavior object of the grid.
RowUpdatedEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the RowUpdatedEventArgs event handler.
Selection Selection behavior object of the grid.
SliderProvider The object defines the WebSlider editor provider for a column. Overrides the EditorProvider object.
SortedEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the ColumnSorted event handler.
Sorting Sorting behavior object of the grid.
SortingColumnSetting SortingColumnSetting object of the grid.
SortingColumnSettings A collection of SortingColumnSetting objects.
SortingEventArgs Event arguments object passed into the ColumnSorting event handler.
Summary Object that defines a column summary for the grid column.
SummaryAction Object for event arguments used in the summary row behavior to make full or partial postbacks.
SummaryAddingRemovingEventArgs Object for event arguments used in the summary row behavior for Adding/Removing column summaries.
SummaryCalculatedArgs Class used as EventArgs while raising SummaryCalculated event
SummaryRow Summary row behavior object of the grid.
SummaryRowSettings Object that defines a column summary setting for the grid column.
SummarySetting A setting object for a particular summary type per column setting
TextEditorProvider The object defines the WebTextEditor editor provider for a column. Overrides the EditorProvider object.
VirtualScrolling Virtual scrolling behavior object of the grid.
VirtualScrollingFormatToolTipEventArgs Event arguments object passed into event raised before display tooltip.
WebDataGrid Creates WebDataGrid client-side object.
IActivationBehavior Interface that identifies the activation behavior.
IColumnFixingBehavior Interface that identifies the column fixing behavior.
IColumnMovingBehavior Interface that identifies the column moving.
IColumnResizingBehavior Interface that identifies the column resizing.
IColumnSettings Interface that identifies a behavior with column settings collection.
IEditingBehavior Interface that identifies the editing behavior.
IGridBehaviorContainer Interface that indicates that the implementing object contains child behaviors.
IHeaderButton Interface that identifies the behavior a behavior with header button.
IPagingBehavior Interface that identifies the paging behavior.
IRowAddingBehavior Interface that identifies the editing behavior.
IRowDeletingBehavior Interface that identifies the RowDeleting behavior.
IRowSelectorsBehavior Interface that identifies the row selectors behavior.
ISelectionBehavior Interface that identifies the selection behavior.
IUpdatingBehavior Interface that identifies the updating behavior.
AddNewRowAlignment The enumeration defines where the add new row is displayed.
BooleanFilterRules Allowable values for the FilteringNodeObject.set_rule method for boolean type columns
CellClickAction The enumeration defines an action whenever a cell in the grid is clicked.
ClientUIFlags Indicates which state flags are set for rendering client state objects.
ColRegion The region that a column belongs to.
DateTimeFilterRules Allowable values for the FilteringNodeObject.set_rule method for date type columns
DefaultableBoolean Defaultable boolean values allow the user to either directly set the value to control a behavior or inherit from a parent object that will be set.
EditMouseClickAction The enumeration defines mouse action that enters the grid into edit mode.
FilteringAlignment The enumeration defines where the filter row is displayed.
FilteringType The enumeration defines where the filter row is displayed.
FilteringVisibility The enumeration defines whether the filter row is displayed.
FixLocation Enumeration of values for where a grid's column will be fixed to.
GridAuxRows Auxilary rows (such as filer row and add new row) collection location.
GridDataType Specifies the type of data in a column of WebDataGrid.
HeaderButtonAlignment Enumeration of values for where the column fixing button will be placed.
HeaderDragStyle The drag style of the header element.
NumericFilterRules Allowable values for the FilteringNodeObject.set_rule method for numeric type columns
RelativeLocation Location of target element relative to container.
That contains following integer members:
NotSet (-1), TopLeft (0), TopCenter (1), TopRight (2), TopInfront (3), TopBehind (3), MiddleLeft (8), MiddleCenter (9), MiddleRight (10), MiddleInfront (11), MiddleBehind (12), BottomLeft (16), BottomCenter (17), BottomRight (18), BottomInfront (19), BottomBehind (20), AboveLeft (32), AboveCenter (33), AboveRight (34), AboveInfront (35), AboveBehind (36), BelowLeft (64), BelowCenter (65), BelowRight (66), BelowInfront (67), BelowBehind (68)
RowEditMouseClickAction The enumeration defines mouse action that enters the row into edit mode.
RowUpdateStatus The update status assigned to a row.
RowUpdateType The type of row update operation.
SelectType The enumeration defines type of selection in the grid.
TargetSide The region that a column belongs to.
TextFilterRules Allowable values for the FilteringNodeObject.set_rule method for string type columns
UniqueValueCasing The enumeration defines how the text of the unique value is displayed if filter type is RowFilter and filtering is not case sensitive.
See Also