
Reference a Cell When Creating an Item Template

Creating an Item Template for WebDataGrid™ in code requires that you implement the InstantiateIn method of the ITemplate interface. If you need to get a cell’s value within this method, you cannot access the value by simply referencing the WebDataGrid object directly.

To get a get a cell’s value, you must get a reference to the DataItem of the Container passed to the method. This DataItem is a DataRowView when the template is an Item Template. With the DataRowView, you can access the cells for that row.

The following code shows you how to get a cell’s value to set for a Label’s text when creating an Item Template in code.

In Visual Basic:

Private Class CustomItemTemplate
    Implements ITemplate
    #Region "ITemplate Members"
    Public Sub InstantiateIn(container As Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
        Dim label1 As New Label()
        label1.ID = "TemplateLabel"
        ' Get the cell value from the DataItem
        label1.Text = DirectCast(DirectCast(container, TemplateContainer).DataItem, DataRowView)("CustomerID").ToString()
    End Sub
    #End Region
End Class

In C#:

private class CustomItemTemplate : ITemplate
	#region ITemplate Members
	public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
		Label label1 = new Label();
		label1.ID = "TemplateLabel";
		// Get the cell value from the DataItem
		label1.Text = ((DataRowView)((TemplateContainer)container).DataItem)["CustomerID"].ToString();