
Summing Two Controls at Run Time

Before You Begin:

You can interact with the WebCalcManager™ component at run time by getting or setting any of the properties associated with the elements in a calculation network on a form. This walk through is designed to show you how to set up a summation of the values of two text boxes and put the resulting value in a third text box.

Follow These Steps:

  1. Begin with a ASP.NET project.

  2. Before you start writing any code, you should place using/imports directives in your code-behind so you don’t need to always type out a member’s fully qualified name.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebCalcManager

In C#:

using Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebCalcManager;
  1. On the form place an UltraWebCalcManager, three TextBoxes, and an server Button arrange them how you please.

WebCalcManager Summing Two Controls at Run Time 01.png
  1. Create the Click event for the button you have placed on the form. Place the following code into newly created Click event.

In Visual Basic:

 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ' Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        Dim cs1 As CalcSettings = Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox1)
        ' Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        ' of any calculations involving the control.
        cs1.PropertyName = "Text"
        ' This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox1, cs1)
        ' Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        Dim cs2 As CalcSettings = Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox2)
        ' Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        ' of any calculations involving the control.
        cs2.PropertyName = "Text"
        ' This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox2, cs2)
        ' Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        Dim cs3 As CalcSettings = Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox3)
        ' Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        ' of any calculations involving the control.
        cs3.PropertyName = "Text"
        ' The Formula which will be used to set the value of this object.
        cs3.Formula = "[//TextBox1] + [//TextBox2]"
        ' This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        Me.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings(Me.TextBox3, cs3)
End Sub

In C#:

private void  Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        CalcSettings cs1 = this.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings( this.TextBox1);
        // Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        // of any calculations involving the control.
        cs1.PropertyName = "Text";
        // This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        this.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings( this.TextBox1, cs1);
        // Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        CalcSettings cs2 = this.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings( this.TextBox2);
        // Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        // of any calculations involving the control.
        cs2.PropertyName = "Text";
        // This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        this.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings( this.TextBox2, cs2);
        // Gets the CalcSettings for the extended element specified.
        CalcSettings cs3 = this.UltraWebCalcManager1.GetCalcSettings( this.TextBox3);
        // Gets/sets which property of the control is used as either the source or target
        // of any calculations involving the control.
        cs3.PropertyName = "Text";
        // The Formula which will be used to set the value of this object.
        cs3.Formula = "[//TextBox1] + [//TextBox2]";
        // This sets the CalcSettings extender property for the specified element.
        this.UltraWebCalcManager1.SetCalcSettings( this.TextBox3, cs3);
  1. If you build project and run it, type in values into the first and second textbox, and press the Calculate button, the resulting calculation will display in the third textbox.

What You Accomplished:

WebCalcManager Summing Two Controls at Run Time 02.png

The following walk through guided you through the steps needed to setup a calculation of two textboxes and place the resulting value into a third textbox.