
Saving Your Work

The final step in the styling process before you can hand off your work to the developer is saving your Style Library as a Web Style Library (.wsl) file. This file contains all of your StyleSet information in a well formatted XML document.

To save a new Style Library:

  1. On the File menu, click Save Style Library…​

The File menu

The Save As dialog box opens.

The Save Style Library dialog box.
  1. Name your Style Library and choose a folder to save it in.

  2. Click Save.

To save an existing Style Library:

  1. On the File menu, click Save Style Library…​ Infragistics AppStylist for ASP.NET will save the Style Library. You can either continue to work on the saved Style Library or work on a different one by Opening a Saved Style Library.

  2. If you would prefer that your unsaved changes be saved as another Style Library, then click Save Style Library As…​ on the File menu.

The File menu

The Save As dialog box opens allowing you to save your Style Library with a different name.