
CollectionsManager class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CollectionsManager.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCollectionsManager Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyallTransactionListsReturns all json Transaction Lists of all collections in a server friendly format.  
Public PropertycollectionGets the ObjectCollection at the specified index.  
Public PropertycountGets the amount of Collections that belong to the control.  
Public PropertytransactionListReturns the json Transaction List of the collection at the specified index.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddObjectAdds the specified item to the collection at the specified index.  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of all objects created by the Collection manager.  
Public MethodgetItemCountRetunrs the number of items in the collection at the specified index.  
Public MethodgetObjectReturns the item at the specified address from the collection at the specified index.  
Public MethodgetServerCollectionReturns a server friendly array of all ClientState for all collections.  
Public MethodgetUIBehaviorsObjReturns the UIBehaviors object of the collection at the specified index.  
Public Methodregister_collectionRegisters a collection with the CollectionManager.  
Public MethodregisterUIBehaviorsCreates a UIBehaviors object for the specified collection.  
Public MethodregisterUIBehaviorsExRegisters a specified behavior for the specified collection.  
Public MethodremoveObjectRemoves the item at specified address from the collection at the specified index.  
See Also