
Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls Namespace

ClassAnimationObject An object that controls basic Animation settings.
ClassCaptionArea A templatable object that can be used to just display text.
ClassContinuousAnimation An object that allows for customization of the Continuous Animation.
ClassDropDownAutoPostBackFlags Container of properties which define auto postback options used by WebDropDown.
ClassDropDownBot The RunBot class is a companion to the main control class of a companion. It's primary function is to offload control functionality so that the main control is free to inherit from any other control class in the ASP.NET framework. Since the main control object is a rather heavy object, it is best to put as much functionality into base classes so that it can be shared and reused. But if the main control object must inherit from a base class other than one defined in the framework, then it would not be able to participate in the framework without duplicating a great deal of code. Therefore, by offloading the majority of functionality from the control object itself to a RunBot derivation class, the framework logic can be kept in the RunBot and the control can derive from any base class it needs to.
ClassDropDownItemBinding This class extends ListItemBinding to add additional property bindings. Property DataBindings are used to map data fields from the database to property values on items in a collection.
ClassDropDownItemCollection A collection of DropDownItems.
ClassDropDownItemEventArgs Provides data for the WebDropDown.SelectionChanged, WebDropDown.ItemAdded, WebDropDown.ItemRemoved and WebDropDown.ItemInserted events of a WebDropDown control.
ClassDropDownValueChangedEventArgs Argument used for event which is raised by WebDropDown when value of a thumb was changed.
ClassImageItem Represents an item in the WebImageViewer control.
ClassImageItemBinding This class extends ListItemBinding to add additional property bindings. Property DataBindings are used to map data fields from the database to property values on items in a collection.
ClassImageItemCollection A collection of ImageItems.
ClassImageItemEventArgs Provides data for the WebImageViewer.SelectedIndexChanged, WebImageViewer.ItemAdded, WebImageViewer.ItemRemoved and WebImageViewer.ItemInserted events of a WebImageViewer control.
ClassImageViewerBot The RunBot class is a companion to the main control class of a companion. It's primary function is to offload control functionality so that the main control is free to inherit from any other control class in the ASP.NET framework. Since the main control object is a rather heavy object, it is best to put as much functionality into base classes so that it can be shared and reused. But if the main control object must inherit from a base class other than one defined in the framework, then it would not be able to participate in the framework without duplicating a great deal of code. Therefore, by offloading the majority of functionality from the control object itself to a RunBot derivation class, the framework logic can be kept in the RunBot and the control can derive from any base class it needs to.
ClassImageViewerClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebImageViewer class
ClassImageViewerDataBindingManager The DataBindingManager base class is responsible for coordinating and managing the data binding process. It stores and maintains the collection of WebBinding objects that determine which columns or properties in the data source objects are bound to the various properties of the control object model.
ClassImageViewerRenderer Inherits from RendererBase. This is the renderer for the WebImageViewer.
ClassListItem Represents an item for flat data controls.
ClassListItemBinding This class extends DataBinding to add additional property bindings. Property DataBindings are used to map data fields from the database to property values on items in a collection.
ClassNextItemAnimation An object that allows for customization of the NextItem Animation.
ClassPageAnimation An object that allows for customization of the Page Animation.
ClassPagerSettings Pager settings (used if paging is enabled)
ClassScrollAnimations The object that contains the settings to change the type of Animation that will occur when the WebImageViewer scroll Images into view.
ClassWebDropDown Control which implements the functionality of a web drop down
ClassWebImageViewer Displays Images in scrollable format.
EnumerationAutoFiltering Auto Filtering setting (auto suggest)
EnumerationAutoFilterQueryTypes DB query is built based on the AutoFilterQueryType in case the developer would like a more complex and involved query, he should use the respective client-side/server-side events
EnumerationDropDownAutoFilterSortOrder sort order for the items in the auto filter list, when auto filtered is enabled and used
EnumerationDropDownDisplayMode The dropdown display mode (related to editing in the input and selection)
EnumerationDropDownMultipleSelectionType multiple selection type
EnumerationDropDownOrientation Orientation of the drop down container
EnumerationDropDownProps An enumeration of all the properties that the WebDropDown will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the WebDropDown and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationDropDownRoles Roles defined for the ig_dropDown.css file.
EnumerationDropDownValueDisplayType An enumeration for the allowed value display types in the case of "Simple", we render the value display, otherwise we use an already provided control and communicate with it through a predefined interface
EnumerationEmptyFilterBehavior controls the number of items loaded when CurrentValue is an empty string EmptyItemsList will act as Google, meaning that empty string means no results CompleteItemsList returns all items when the query is an empty string LimitToAutoFilterResultSize returns the top X items, limited by the value of AutoFilterResultSize, if set.
EnumerationImageItemProps An enumeration of all the properties that the ImageItem will send to the client. This should only be used when an object dervies from the ImageItem and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationImageViewerProps An enumeration of all the properties that the WebImageViewer will send to the client. This should only be used when a control dervies from the WebImageViewer and needs to send down additional properties.
EnumerationImageViewerRoles Roles defined for the ig_imageviewer.css file.
EnumerationNextItemAlignment Specifies where an item should align when scrolled into view.
EnumerationPagerMode Enumeration used for setting the mode of paging labels within the paging area of the grid.
EnumerationScrollAnimation Specifies the Animation that should be used to scroll an item into view.
See Also