
Change a WebChart’s Height and Width Using Percentage Values

When the RenderingType property is set to SVG or Flash, the height and width of the control can be set as a percentage. Simply set the Height and Width properties to percentage values to see the result of this. Unlike image rendering, these rendering types respect percentage height and width, and WebChart™ will scale dynamically on the client.

The following code example shows WebChart with the height and width set as percentages.

<table border="1" >
   <tr >
      <td >
        <igchart:UltraChart runat="server" id="UltraChart1"
          Height="100%" Width="100%">
	  <DeploymentScenario RenderingType="Flash" />
   <tr >
      <td >
        <igchart:UltraChart runat="server" id="UltraChart2"
	  Height="100%" Width="100%">
	  <DeploymentScenario RenderingType="Svg" />
Shows a WebChart with it's Height and Width set using percentages.