
ScrollHelper class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ScrollHelper.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorScrollHelper Constructor  
Public Methods
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of the ScrollHelper object.  
Public MethodensureCurrentItemEnsure the current item Dom element exists.  
Public MethodfindClosestToNextItemAlignmentIf no item is at focus, returns the Dom element of the closest item. Otherwise returns the current item Dom element.  
Public MethodfindCurrentFocalItemReturns the ImageItem DOM element of the currently focused item.  
Public MethodfindNextFocalItemReturns the ImageItem DOM element of the next item at focus.  
Public MethodgetCurrentItemIndexGets the current item index.  
Public MethodgetCurrentItemSizeAccording to the scroll orientation returns the current item DOM element Width if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns the Height of the current item.  
Public MethodgetNextCurrentItemPosAccording to the scroll orientation returns the next current item DOM element offsetLeft if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns the offsetTop of the next current item.  
Public MethodgetNextCurrentItemSizeAccording to the scroll orientation returns the next current item DOM element Width if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns the Height of the next current item.  
Public MethodgetPos  
Public MethodgetScrollPosAccording to the scroll orientation returns the ImageViewer offsetLeft if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns the offsetTop.  
Public MethodgetScrollSizeAccording to the scroll orientation returns the ImageViewer scrollWidth if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns the scrollHeight.  
Public MethodgetSizeAccording to the scroll orientation returns the DOM element Width if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used returns element's Height.  
Public MethodmoveNextItemMoves to next ImageItem at specified position and make it current.  
Public MethodmovePrevItemMoves to previous ImageItem at specified position and make it current.  
Public MethodresolveItemReturns the ImageItem DOM element.  
Public MethodresolveParentReturns the parent DOM element of ImageItem.  
Public MethodscrollItemIntoViewScrolls the first ImageItem into view.  
Public MethodscrollToScrolls the to specified position.  
Public MethodsetScrollPosAccording to the scroll orientation sets the ImageViewer offsetLeft if Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Horizontal is set, otherwise when Infragistics.Web.UI.Orientation.Vertical is used sets the offsetTop.  
Public MethodupdateCuases the ScrollHelper to update its settings.  
See Also