
RowSelectors class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RowSelectors.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRowSelectors Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyelementReturns the element assoicated with the item.  
Public Propertyevents  
Public Propertyid  
Public PropertyisInitialized  
Public PropertyisUpdating  
Public PropertynameGets the name of the behavior.  
Public PropertyrowNumberingReturns whether row numbering is enabled or not.  
Public Methods
Public MethodaddRowSelectorClickedEventHandlerListen for when the grid's row selectors are clicked. For internal use only.  
Public MethodaddSelectorClassAdd a new css class to the row selector element.  
Public MethodaddSelectorImageAdd a css class containing a new image to the row selector's image area.  
Public MethodbeginUpdate  
Public MethoddisposeDisposes of the Row Selectors behavior.  
Public MethodendUpdate  
Public MethodgetEditingOnGets flag which represents current editing behavior in progress with option to exit edit mode.  
Public MethodgetSelectorFromElementSearches for a parent row selector element from a child element of the row selector.  
Public MethodgetSelectorFromRowReturns the th element for a row selector for particular row.  
Public Methodinitialize  
Public MethodraisePropertyChanged  
Public MethodremoveSelectorClassRemoves a css class from the row selector element  
Public MethodremoveSelectorImageRemove a css class containing image information from the row selector's image area.  
Public Methodupdated  
Public Events
Public Eventdisposing  
Public EventpropertyChanged  
See Also