| Name | Description |
| AccessKey | Keyboard access key for this item. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBFocusable) |
| AutoPostBack | Determines whether this individual button should postback when clicked. |
| DefaultStyle | The style which will be used when rendering this button in the UltraWebToolbar. |
| DisabledImage | A relative path to the Image which should be displayed for this button when Enabled is False. |
| Enabled | Determines if this button should appear enabled and react to user input. |
| HoverImage | A relative path to the Image which should be displayed for this button, when moused over. |
| HoverStyle | The style which will be used when this button is moused over. |
| ID | Returns an index-based ID for this Toolbar item. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBObject) |
| Image | A relative path to the Image which should be displayed for this button. |
| ImageAlign | If an image should be displayed, this determines the alignment of it. All alignment settings are with respect to the text of the item. |
| Images | Images associated with this button. |
| Key | Unique string identifier used to retrieve this Toolbar item from within its collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBObject) |
| Parent | Gets a reference to this Toolbar item's parent. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBObject) |
| Selected | Determines if a button is currently selected or not. |
| SelectedImage | A relative path to the Image which should be displayed for this button, when Selected. |
| SelectedStyle | The style which will be used when this button is Selected. |
| TabIndex | Identifies at what position within the page tab order this user element receives focus. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBFocusable) |
| Tag | Arbitrary data object storing extra information to meet application-specific demands. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBObject) |
| TargetFrame | Used to determine what frame the TargetURL should be displayed in. |
| TargetURL | A URL which will be navigated to, when this button is clicked. |
| TargetUrlTriggerMode | Defines when TargetUrl navigation takes place for toggle buttons. |
| Text | The text which will be displayed when this button is rendered. |
| ToggleButton | Determines if the button should keep its state. When true, the button will remain depressed after first being clicked. Clicking the button again will restore the button to its normal state. |
| ToolBar | Returns the UltraWebToolbar element that owns this Toolbar item. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.TBObject) |
| ToolTip | The text which should be displayed when this object is moused over. |
| Visible | Indicates whether the current button renders itself to the browser. |