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InitializeRecurrence Event

Event fired each time a new Recurrence gets loaded from the database and initialized.
Public Event InitializeRecurrence As InitializeRecurrenceEventHandler
public event InitializeRecurrenceEventHandler InitializeRecurrence
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type InitializeRecurrenceEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following InitializeRecurrenceEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Recurrence A Recurrence recently retrieved from the data source.

This event fires immediately after each individual Recurrence is databound from a record in the database, and added to it's parent collection. Developers may subscribe to handle this event by registering a method in their application matching the signature of InitializeRecurrenceEventHandler. A reference to the new Recurrence will be passed inside of the event arguments to that event handler when it gets called back.

The InitializeRecurrence event fires before the root activity has been loaded for the recurrence.


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also