
Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources Namespace

ClassASkin Base class for Skins.
ClassAxisCollection Collection class for Axes.
ClassChartCollectionBase Base class for collections used by the chart.
ClassDefaultConstants DefaultConstants any Magic number/object that is used across solution. Start each public static constant with 'D_' to make sure the usage is obvious and not conflicting
ClassDrillDownID DrillDownID identifies the relational data row and column drillable from a parent chart in the drill down hierarchy.
ClassDrillElement DrillElement represents a drillable chart in the drill down hierarchy. It is used by the DrillElement array of a chart's DrillDownAppearance.
ClassDVS Delta View State class.
ClassMiscFunctions This class contains miscellaneous auxillary functions used by UltraChart.
ClassPinSkin Pin Skin.
ClassScrollBarSkin Skin used for chart scrollbars.
ClassSkinElement Represents an element of skinning.
ClassTileSkin Skin which creates many tiles.
ClassUtil Class to setup and other utilities related to Demo of charting.
ClassXmlPersist This class provides XML Layout serialization and deserialization services.
InterfaceIChartCollection Interface used for collections to meet the requirement of the ChartCollectionEditorForm.
InterfaceIChartComponent Interface representing the common, low-level component features in UltraWinChart and UltraWebChart.
InterfaceIDrillDown Implementing the IDrillDown interface is optional, but recommended, when the application would like notification of drill down events.
InterfaceIDrillDown2 Implementing the IDrillDown2 interface is optional, but recommended, when the application would like notification of drill down events.
InterfaceIEffect Interface for all Effect classes.
InterfaceIProvideChartComponent Interface for classes which can provide a reference to a chart component.
InterfaceIProvidePaintElement Interface for objects which provide PaintElements.
InterfaceIRenderLabel IRenderLabel: An interface which is called whenever user needs custom tooltips.
InterfaceIScrollScale The IScrollScale interface exposes properties necessary of custom objects that require scrollbar and scaling (zoom-in, zoom-out magnification) support.
EnumerationSkinTile How tiling is done when applying a motif to chart elements.
See Also