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Can't resize ultragird column time to time

Hi Team,

We saw resize issue for ultragird time to time. The problem is: when we try to resize the column by drag the edge of the column header, rather than resize to the width we want, the width of the column become really small and you can't drag to make it wider.

We are using infragistic 10.3 and have experieced this for quite a long time(it happens in 10.2 as well). Have you ever seen/get reported of similar issue before?

Any advice is appreciate.


  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I cannot recall any previous reports of exactly the same issue, but it sounds like the kind of thing that might happen if you are using both RowLayouts and AutoFitStyle together. The column is supposed to size so that it's left edge ends up where the drag ends, but there were some bugs where this was not working correctly.

    Are you able to reproduce this behavior in a small sample project? If so, post it here (under the Options tab) and we will be happy to take a look at it.

    • 1180
      posted in reply to Mike Saltzman

      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for your reply!

      It's not very easy to reproduce. But it do happens time to time. Do you mean we can't use RowLayouts and AutoFitStyle together? What kind of bugs you refer to?

      I wil check on the RowLayouts and AutoFitStyle settings in our project and see if I can reproduce in a small project.


      • 20872
        Offline posted in reply to xin

        Hello Xin,

        I wasn't able to reproduce the mentioned behavior. If you could reproduce it, please provide me more specific details regarding your scenario or a small sample would be even better.

        Please let me know if you have any other questions.