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Grid custom captionareauielement (button) problem with AppStyleList


I have a grid that implements a CaptionButtonCreationFilter class in order to add a button with an image (excel icon) in the right hand side of the captionarea using IUIElementDrawFilter. This button is to export the contents of the grid to excel.

The button works pefect but if we use the AppStyle ModernNoir this button image appears like blur or seems that other image is on the background. If we use for example the Office2007Blue the image is ok. So is something in the AppStyle ModernNoir that is affecting this but we cant figure it out.

Im attaching the grid image with the 2 AppStyles (Office2007Blue and ModernNoire) so you can see the CaptionArea UIElement Buttons appearance behavoir (marked inside a red square). 

Hope someone can help us fixing this style issue.



  • 5118

    Hi Alejandro,

    I'm not seeing anything in the NoirModerne.isl that would lead to this behavior.  I'd really need to see your Filter(s) to see what is going on.  If you do not want to share them here we can open a Developer Support case to continue. 

    I did make a small sample to test this out and it is attached.  How does this one look on your machines?  <You might need to load the image and the isl file from a different location depending on your version of NA controls>.
    • 440
      Offline posted in reply to Matthew Kraft

      Matthew thanks a lot, actually was a bad approach I didnt know there was an Image ImageAndTextButtonUIElement, I was using buttonuielement and that element doesnt have a .Image property, just Apperance.BackgroundImage so i was using that but know is working perfect.

      By the way Matthew, i have Grid custom control class where i have all my configurations for the grid, this button in the caption area was fro exporting to excel.  I would like to be able to place 1 or 2 or 3 buttons in the top left area of the caption area but I want to set those buttons from the form and also have the click delegate in that form... so for example I drag my custom grid control to the form and if I set a property like "SetCaptionButtons" to 3 then 3 buttons are placed in the top, etc... 

      Do you know how can I do this Matthew, thanks a lot.