I am currently doing some upgrade job of Infragistic for our project. We are going to use infragsit 9.1 in the further. However, when I updated Infragistic version (for winform) to 9.1, I found ultragrid did not display as it should be. See the screenshot below:
There is a grey line at left side which connect two row. This grey line was not there when using 8.2. It used to be like this:
We binded the ultragrid.DataSource to our own DataList which implement IBindingList interface.
Is there any changes in 9.1 compare to 8.2 may course this problem?
Many thanks,
Sounds like your preferences were somehow changed to not show the start button on your wingrids. Right click on a grid and go to the designer. Then click on the preferences button and click the show start button checkbox.
Another possibility is that Visual Studio is unable to find the grid designer assembly, which would indicate that something is not installed properly or that something is wrong with your project references.
You should check to make sure your project references are correct. All of the Infragistics assemblies should be the same version.
The grid designer is in the Infragistics2.Win.Design assembly. This assembly should not be referenced by your project, Visual Studio gets it from the GAC. So you might want to check your Assembly folder and see if it's in there with the correct version.
After I re-install infragistic winform 9.1, I still can not see the start button.
Strange thing is: if I opened a new project, drag and drop a ultragrid to the win form project, I can see the start button.
but for these project which are using 8.2 before, after I update the assembly to 9.1 and open the designer, there is no start button.
Any suggestion on such situiation?
Thanks for your reply.
I am using .dll link for the assembly but have not install 9.1 on my computer yet. I will try to install 9.1 version. I thought it is the new feature of 9.1 before. :)
Hi Xin,
Get the latest service release, this issue is already fixed.
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Could you tell me what the bug is that so that I can have better understanding of it.
I've got one more question about Infragsitic winform 9.1
I can not find the start button for UltraGrid in 9.1 anymore, it was in 8.2, by using which I can easily config the ultragird.
Is there any equivalent in 9.1.
Ah, so this is an known issue for early version of infragistic 9.1?
Which class contains the bug in early version? UltraGrid.Column.Header.Hide? I am using the 9.1.2029 version at moment and it seems the bug is fixed, but I still want to compare these two versions to see the root course.
Well, from the screen shots, it looks like you are experiencing a bug where when you hide the column or group headers, the grid still leaves a gap where they would have been.