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Win XP (3 Seconds) vs Win Vista (15 seconds)


I have a form, with Infragistics panels and controls. (VB 2008)

- In a WinXP laptop (dual core) , it takes 3 seconds to load

- In a Win Vista desktop (quad core), it takes 15 seconds to load.

How is this possible? What diferences are there between these two systems? I tryed to catch all exceptions while debugging, and no exception was thrown.

Thank you

  • 37774
    Suggested Answer

    The only possibility that comes to mind is that you're using the digitally signed version of the assemblies and the connection is timing out when the assemblies are being verfied.

    FAQ:Digital Signing of assemblies in NetAdvantage


    • 140
      posted in reply to Matt Snyder

      But this article is refering to volume 2007. I'm working with 2009. Is this still happening? How can I install a NOT SIGNED VERSION of the libraries?


      • 37774
        posted in reply to Xavier

        There might be some sort of information in the properties/Version of the DLLs, if you right-click on a file and select 'Properties'.  Barring that, you could simply copy the DLLs from the unsigned directory that's mentioned above and replace the DLLs that you're already using.


        • 140
          posted in reply to Matt Snyder

          It's not CPU. CPU works at 27% maximum. So It's the application in fact that hangs in Vista but not in XP for seconds. How could I check if the version installed is signed?


          • 37774
            posted in reply to Xavier

            Is it the CPU that's wasting time for certain, or is the application just hanging?  The first test to see if it's the issue mentioned above is to ensure that you're using the unsigned DLLs.  If the CPU is indeed using 100%, then it's difficult to say what the problem might be unless you run a performance profiler to see what code is causing so much processing.  I know that there was an older issue with Vista and the CPU going to 100%, but that was fixed quite a while ago (around the 2006 Vol 3 timeframe).


            • 140
              posted in reply to [Infragistics] Vince McDonald

              Thank you for your answer.

              But now I'm really lost ;))

              How could I debug in a higher detail? Just to now where the cpu is wasting so much time?


              • 45049
                posted in reply to Matt Snyder

                Matt Snyder"]... the installers no longer default to using the signed version of the assemblies ...

                I can confirm that Matt's statement is correct.  For all versions from 2007 Volume 2 and later, the not-Authenticode-signed version of the assemblies are the default.

                The Authenticode-signed assemblies are included in the installation directory of NetAdvantage for .NET for each platform.  The directory name is "Bin - Signed", compared to the "Bin" directory that contains the unsigned assemblies.