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UltraPanel not working in VS2022

I upgraded from VS2019 to 2022 and now I'm getting the following error in the designer:

However, when I change the code to what it says, I get this error:

The code in question is in the Designer.cs and here it is:


How do I get around this?

  • 7595
    Offline posted

     Hello Sean, 

    Do you have this line of code in your designer file ?



    We create and add the ClientArea internally to the UltraPanel. You can comment out this line of code and See if his controls are appearring in the component tray (bottom) of the designer, as that line appears in the serialized code when our CodeDomSerializer for the UltraPanel is not found.Means you could be missing designer assembly.

    So question is did you install/upgrade to any other version of controls? Changing the visual studio version from 2019 yo 2022 would not change anything. 

    Check if you have two different versions in the reference or licence.licx file. 

    Then delete one and keep the reference which you have install on your machine. 

    If this dosent help then I would need more information like which version of control you are referring ,if you have that version and build install locally and what other changes you have made in the project other then VS2019 to 2022.


    Divya Jain