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Showing WebDialogWindow in Content Page from Master Page

Hi everyone

I've defined a WDW in master page with some content. I've intended to make this as a error or information message window. So I want to use it every content page. For example in one of my content page, I'm saving some fields with "Save" button. I've looked around for some code and I've found this JavaScript snippet that works fine.

function showWdw() {
var dialogWindow = $find('');

//Using `show()` method to display the window if the windowState is hidden;

//using `hide()` method to hide the windowState
return false;
// ]]>

But this just show wdw. I want to set the content of wdw dynamically in button's server side onclick event. (for example according to return value of stored procedure, successful or failed). How can I do this on server side ? I've tried some sort of things in server side also.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof (Page), "ShowWDW",
" // ');;return false;} ); // ]]> ",

WebDialogWindow dwMesaj = (WebDialogWindow) this.Master.FindControl("dwMesaj");
Label lblBasarili = (Label) dwMesaj.ContentPane.FindControl("lblBasarili");
dwMesaj.WindowState = DialogWindowState.Normal;
dwMesaj.Visible = true;
lblBasarili.Visible = true;

I've tried them seperately. I've been able to access masters controls but I've couldn't show it. Thanks !

  • 4315
    Offline posted

    Hi, Kerem.

    Thank you for using our product and I hope I will be able to help you.

    The following code should be enough to enable certain dialog state on the server:

    dwMesaj.WindowState = DialogWindowState.Normal;

    For the moment I cannot reproduce your problem, so I will ask you to send me isolated sample, if you can. This will help me to investigate further your case. Meanwhile I will continue and will notify you if I find something specific.

    Best regards,

    Nikolay Alipiev

    • 390
      posted in reply to Nikolay Alipiev

      Actually if I remove UpdatePanel from my content page, I can call dialog window from master page and show it. But inside the update panel I can not. I want to use update panel so how can I show the dialog ? 

      • 4315
        Offline posted in reply to Nikolay Alipiev

        Hello, Kerem.

        I am still following your case. Have you been able to resolve the issue? Was my answer helpful for you?
        If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.
        Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!

        Nikolay Alipiev,
        Software Developer,
        Infragistics, Inc.

        • 4315
          Suggested Answer
          Offline posted in reply to Kerem Kambur

          Hi, Kerem.

          In the master ASPX page I have the following definition:

          <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="content" runat="server" />

           and in the code behind of the master page I have the following code:

          public partial class Sample : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
              protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          	WebDialogWindow dialog = 
          	   as WebDialogWindow;
          	if (dialog != null)
          		dialog.WindowState = DialogWindowState.Maximized;

          In the content page I have update panel and inside there is a dialog:

          <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="up1">
          		<ig:WebDialogWindow runat="server" ID="WebDialogWindow1" 
          			Height="200px" Width="320px"  Top="20" Left="160"
          			Modal="false" Moveable="false">

          When I open the sample the dialog window is maximized properly. I hope this code will help you. If not, I will ask you to send me some sample and I will try to investigate further the problem you are experiencing.

          Thanks you for using our controls.

          Best regards,

          Nikolay Alipiev