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Grid Export to excel not working

Hi Team,

I need to export grid as well as hierarchical grid to excel/pdf.

I am using the below code:

function exportToExcel() {
 $.ig.GridExcelExporter.export($("#gridCategory"), {

 dataExportMode: $("#dataExportMode").val()

The export functionality is not working and is giving the error: 

"Cannot read property 'Workbook' of undefined"

I am using the version: 13.2.20132.1010 (as mentioned in infragistics.core.js file)

  • 16310
    Offline posted

    Hi Agraj,

    The igGridExcelExporter has been introduced with 15.1 volume of IgniteUI initially supporting igGrid export. With 15.2 the support of igTreeGrid and igHierarchicalGrid was introduced. In order to use it you need to upgrade your application to 15.1 or later. If you stay with the 13.2 volume you can export the igGrid using the ASP.NET MVC Excel library as shown in


    If you are going to upgrade your application I suggest that you start with the samples here:

    and with the help topic here:

    Please let me know if you have further questions on the matter.

    • 500
      posted in reply to Hristo Anastasov

      Thanks Hristo for your response.

      I switched to 15.2.20152.1027 version, now when I run the application, the data inside the is not being displayed (only header is displayed). Not sure if I am doing something wrong. In the Chrome console window, it says: "Cannot read property 'key' of undefined - infragistics.lob.js.

      I replaced the MVC dll and the below Javascript files:







      Please assist. Thank you.



      • 16310
        Offline posted in reply to Agraj Nema


        This is strange since in the attached sample all IgniteUI js resources are of the same version. Anyway, it is possible you have been referring a diff version elsewhere in the project.

        If you managed to get the grid rendered and then you have this error on exporting, please make a snapshot of the error again and provide the igGrid initialization code generated on the client -  this will be enough for me to investigate and suggest solution/fix for the issue. Looking forward to hearing from you.

        • 500
          posted in reply to Hristo Anastasov

          Hi Hristo,

          The issue of grid data not rendering still persist.

          I have placed the sample application at the below dropbox location.

          You will see the data does not get rendered (no external dependencies are there, just run the solution)

          I am using the version: 15.2.20152.1027

          Just try replacing the infragistics.lob.js file with the version: 15.1.20151.1005 (renamed as 15.1-old-infragistics.lob.js in the attached project) and you will see the data gets rendered.

          Please let me know what is the problem here. Also attaching the chrome error console screenshot.

          It has been a long time and I am not able to proceed, I have no external dependencies here, just the infragistics resources are added.

          Please help me resolve the issue at the earliest.



          • 500
            posted in reply to Agraj Nema


            Any updates on the issue?



            • 16310
              Offline posted in reply to Agraj Nema

              Hi Agraj,

              The case has been closed due to inactivity so I missed your response. I am reopening the case now and will continue my investigation on the matter. I will keep you posted.

              • 500
                posted in reply to Hristo Anastasov

                Thank you, would appreciate your quick response here.

