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Looking for preview control under vista


I need a preview control to show files under MS Vista (windows form). I see, that their are some shell extension that I can use, and has write my own somple control for that. Have you a control that can make that or plan it in the future?

 For Example:

 PreviewControl pc; 





And if a shell extension is installed the control should show the file.

  • 1158
    Offline posted


    I thinks that a control like this dont exist!
    Each file type need a control/program to render it on printer/screen, in any OS.

    You can use an UltraPrintPreviewDialog with an UltraPrintDocument control to render and preview the prtinting, but you need a control that is able to render the fileFormat.

    Remember: the development of software is not as simple as using ;)

    Good lucky

    • 240
      Offline posted in reply to Davide Dolla

      Under XP we use the com preview class from shimgvw.dll. Under vista we can use the shell extensions to make some previews. Look on

      But I wan't a control that make this for me automaticaly when it run under Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7 and the later versions...

      • 1158
        Offline posted in reply to Joachim Dehm

        I looked, but the article explain how use the existent preview handlers and how write your owns.

        My opinion remain the same: if there is not a preview handler for a certain file type you need to write it yourself.

        Good luck.