Class IgcDividerComponent

The igc-divider allows the content author to easily create a horizontal/vertical rule as a break between content to better organize information on a page.


--color - Sets the color of the divider.

--inset - Shrinks the divider by the given amount from the start. If middle is set it will shrink from both sides.



  • LitElement
    • IgcDividerComponent


middle: boolean = false

When set and inset is provided, it will shrink the divider line from both sides.

type: "solid" | "dashed" = 'solid'

Whether to render a solid or a dashed divider line.


styles: CSSResult[] = ...

Array of styles to apply to the element. The styles should be defined using the css tag function, via constructible stylesheets, or imported from native CSS module scripts.

Note on Content Security Policy:

Element styles are implemented with <style> tags when the browser doesn't support adopted StyleSheets. To use such <style> tags with the style-src CSP directive, the style-src value must either include 'unsafe-inline' or nonce-<base64-value> with <base64-value> replaced be a server-generated nonce.

To provide a nonce to use on generated <style> elements, set window.litNonce to a server-generated nonce in your page's HTML, before loading application code:

// Generated and unique per request:
window.litNonce = 'a1b2c3d4';