Class IgcDatePickerComponent

igc-date-picker is a feature rich component used for entering a date through manual text input or choosing date values from a calendar dialog that pops up.


prefix - Renders content before the input.

suffix - Renders content after the input.

helper-text - Renders content below the input.

title - Renders content in the calendar title.

clear-icon - Renders a clear icon template.

calendar-icon - Renders the icon/content for the calendar picker.

calendar-icon-open - Renders the icon/content for the picker in open state.

actions - Renders content in the action part of the picker in open state.

igcOpening - Emitted just before the calendar dropdown is shown.

igcOpened - Emitted after the calendar dropdown is shown.

igcClosing - Emitted just before the calendar dropdown is hidden.

igcClosed - Emitted after the calendar dropdown is hidden.

igcChange - Emitted when the user modifies and commits the elements's value.

igcInput - Emitted when when the user types in the element.

label - The label wrapper that renders content above the target input.

container - The main wrapper that holds all main input elements.

input - The native input element.

prefix - The prefix wrapper.

suffix - The suffix wrapper.

calendar-icon - The calendar icon wrapper for closed state.

calendar-icon-open - The calendar icon wrapper for opened state.

clear-icon - The clear icon wrapper.

actions - The actions wrapper.

helper-text - The helper-text wrapper that renders content below the target input.

header - The calendar header element.

header-title - The calendar header title element.

header-date - The calendar header date element.

calendar-content - The calendar content element which contains the views and navigation elements.

navigation - The calendar navigation container element.

months-navigation - The calendar months navigation button element.

years-navigation - The calendar years navigation button element.

years-range - The calendar years range element.

navigation-buttons - The calendar navigation buttons container.

navigation-button - The calendar previous/next navigation button.

days-view-container - The calendar days view container element.

days-view - The calendar days view element.

months-view - The calendar months view element.

years-view - The calendar years view element.

days-row - The calendar days row element.

calendar-label - The calendar week header label element.

week-number - The calendar week number element.

week-number-inner - The calendar week number inner element.

date - The calendar date element.

date-inner - The calendar date inner element.

first - The calendar first selected date element in range selection.

last - The calendar last selected date element in range selection.

inactive - The calendar inactive date element.

hidden - The calendar hidden date element.

weekend - The calendar weekend date element.

range - The calendar range selected element.

special - The calendar special date element.

disabled - The calendar disabled date element.

single - The calendar single selected date element.

preview - The calendar range selection preview date element.

month - The calendar month element.

month-inner - The calendar month inner element.

year - The calendar year element.

year-inner - The calendar year inner element.

selected - The calendar selected state for element(s). Applies to date, month and year elements.

current - The calendar current state for element(s). Applies to date, month and year elements.



  • FormRequiredInterface<this> & FormAssociatedElementInterface<this> & EventEmitterInterface<IgcDatepickerEventMap, this> & IgcBaseComboBoxLikeComponent<this>
    • IgcDatePickerComponent


disabled: boolean

The disabled state of the component


headerOrientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" = 'horizontal'

The orientation of the calendar header.


hideHeader: boolean = false

Determines whether the calendar hides its header.


hideOutsideDays: boolean = false

Controls the visibility of the dates that do not belong to the current month.


invalid: boolean

Control the validity of the control.

keepOpenOnOutsideClick: boolean = false

Whether the component dropdown should be kept open on clicking outside of it.


keepOpenOnSelect: boolean = false

Whether the component dropdown should be kept open on selection.


label: string

The label of the datepicker.


locale: string = 'en'

The locale settings used to display the value.

mode: "dialog" | "dropdown" = 'dropdown'

Determines whether the calendar is opened in a dropdown or a modal dialog


name: string

The name attribute of the control.

nonEditable: boolean = false

Whether to allow typing in the input.


open: boolean = false

Sets the state of the datepicker dropdown.

orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" = 'horizontal'

The orientation of the multiple months displayed in the calendar's days view.

outlined: boolean = false

Whether the control will have outlined appearance.

placeholder: string

The placeholder attribute of the control.

prompt: string = '_'

The prompt symbol to use for unfilled parts of the mask.

readOnly: boolean = false

Makes the control a readonly field.


required: boolean

Makes the control a required field in a form context.

resourceStrings: IgcCalendarResourceStrings = IgcCalendarResourceStringEN

The resource strings of the calendar.

showWeekNumbers: boolean = false

Whether to show the number of the week in the calendar.


specialDates: DateRangeDescriptor[]

Gets/sets special dates.

visibleMonths: number = 1

The number of months displayed in the calendar.


weekStart: WeekDays = 'sunday'

Sets the start day of the week for the calendar.

tagName: "igc-date-picker" = 'igc-date-picker'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference

  • set activeDate(value): void
  • Gets/Sets the date which is shown in the calendar picker and is highlighted. By default it is the current date.


    • value: Date

    Returns void

  • set displayFormat(value): void
  • Format to display the value in when not editing. Defaults to the input format if not set.



    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get form(): null | HTMLFormElement
  • Returns the HTMLFormElement associated with this element.

    Returns null | HTMLFormElement

  • set inputFormat(value): void
  • The date format to apply on the input. Defaults to the current locale Intl.DateTimeFormat



    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get validationMessage(): string
  • A string containing the validation message of this element.

    Returns string

  • get validity(): ValidityState
  • Returns a ValidityState object which represents the different validity states the element can be in, with respect to constraint validation.

    Returns ValidityState

  • get willValidate(): boolean
  • A boolean value which returns true if the element is a submittable element that is a candidate for constraint validation.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks for validity of the control and emits the invalid event if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Hides the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Checks for validity of the control and shows the browser message if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets a custom validation message for the control. As long as message is not empty, the control is considered invalid.


    • message: string

    Returns void

  • Sets the text selection range in the input of the component


    • start: number
    • end: number
    • direction: SelectionRangeDirection

    Returns void

  • Shows the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Toggles the open state of the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>


  • Invoked when the component is added to the document's DOM.

    In connectedCallback() you should setup tasks that should only occur when the element is connected to the document. The most common of these is adding event listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event handler added to the window.

    connectedCallback() {
    addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydown);

    Typically, anything done in connectedCallback() should be undone when the element is disconnected, in disconnectedCallback().

    Returns void