Class IgcBannerComponent

The igc-banner component displays important and concise message(s) for a user to address, that is specific to a page or feature.


  • Renders the text content of the banner message.

prefix - Renders additional content at the start of the message block.

actions - Renders any action elements.

igcClosing - Emitted before closing the banner - when a user interacts (click) with the default action of the banner.

igcClosed - Emitted after the banner is closed - when a user interacts (click) with the default action of the banner.

base - The base wrapper of the banner component.

spacer - The inner wrapper that sets the space around the banner.

message - The part that holds the text and the illustration.

illustration - The part that holds the banner icon/illustration.

content - The part that holds the banner text content.

actions - The part that holds the banner action buttons.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcBannerComponentEventMap, this> & LitElement<this>
    • IgcBannerComponent




open: boolean = false

Determines whether the banner is being shown/hidden.

tagName: "igc-banner" = 'igc-banner'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference


  • Hides the banner if not already hidden. Returns true when the animation has completed.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Shows the banner if not already shown. Returns true when the animation has completed.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Toggles between shown/hidden state. Returns true when the animation has completed.

    Returns Promise<boolean>