• Future of UltraWebGrid

    Forgive me if I'm behind on information; is there any official announcement or info regarding the future of the UltraWebGrid?  Is it to be replaced by WebDataGrid when enough similar functionality and efficiency exist?

    We work with large volumes of…

  • casting to WebDataGrid

    I am using the new WebScriptManager and when using a grid on client side i can use :
    var grid = $IG.WebDataGrid.find(grid_clientID);
    and all works fine.

    In the IntelliSense i see there is a method that casts objects into WebDataGrid :
    var grid = $IG…

  • Dynamic update to WebDataGrid data

    I want to dynamically filter a WebDataGrid using version 16.2.  Based on user input search values, I would like to re-run a database and re-bind the WebDataGrid to a new (filtered) list of C# objects.

    This post suggests using the ajax UpdatePanel:

  • How I can programatically change page count (total items) in WebDataGrid?

    I fill WebDataGrid by only page size items. Before I used ObjectDataSource (with GetItems and Get Count methods) to fill WebDataGrid. But now I fill myself inside web page and can display the first page only. How I can set in WebDataGrid total items count…

  • WebDataGrid Row height problem


    I have the following webdatagrid configuration:

    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" DataKeyFields="ID" StyleSetName="Claymation" AutoGenerateColumns="True" Width="100%" StyleSetPath="~/ig_res">…

  • VisibleIndex Property is NOT set


     I am trying to save the visibleindexes of columns on a WebDataGrid.  In my WebDataGrid, I have the the following tags set

    <ig:Sorting Enabled="True"></ig:Sorting> <ig:ColumnMoving Enabled="True" /> <ig:ColumnResizing Enabled="True"></ig:ColumnResizing…

  • DropDown is incorrectly positioned in IE8 and FF 3.0.10

    I'd brought this up in an earlier post: "WebDropDown DropDownItem set_disabled() not behaving as expected":
    I'd observed the positioning of the DropDownProvider/Editor for a WebDataGrid is incorrect in IE8
    It is occurring in FF 3.0.10…
  • WebdataGrid Filter and Call To Database

    I have a webdatagrid in which I am putting the comments related to a particular product. Now when the comment is added, there is a column, number of days since last comment, it gets updated in the webdatagrid along with the comment showing 0. Now…
  • WebDataGrid gridlines not appearing

    I know this is covered in several other posts, but so far, none of the solutions have helped me.  I have a webdatagrid, and in designView of visual studio, the gridlines appear and look fine.  When I run the code, in IE, there are no gridlines.  I have have…

  • Re: WebDataGrid very slow ClientSide

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for providing me with your sample through the case I've provided.

    After reviewing your sample, I see that you are binding the WebDataGrid to an extremely large DataSource object (about 100,000 record items). Moreover, you are using…