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Future of UltraWebGrid

Forgive me if I'm behind on information; is there any official announcement or info regarding the future of the UltraWebGrid?  Is it to be replaced by WebDataGrid when enough similar functionality and efficiency exist?

We work with large volumes of data where editting many different cells within a grid all at once is much better than a one-at-a-time row-by-row wizard approach...for this we've always used the UltraWebGrid, and have found similar implementations with the WebDataGrid to yield very poor performance.

My dev team insists no future for UltraWebGrid (which seems evident); but  they can't seem to deliver the same results with WebDataGrid that we've had for years with the other.  What's the lifespan remaining on UltraWebGrid?

  • 19693
    Verified Answer

    Hello Clayton,

    Thank you for posting in our forum.

    In the below article are described the product changes in the toolset:

    We will continue supporting the UltraWebGrid and the other controls from the old toolset.

    WebDataGrid continues to improve and in the 2011.1 version will support Checkbox Column,Unbound column,..:

    You are always welcome to ask when you have questions regarding IG components.

  • 1140

    I would like to add our team to this thread as we are in the same predicament and, for the first time, are looking at alternative component vendors.  In our case, we were able to develop a single View.ascx that used UltraWebGrid and could provide a variety of capabilities, the most important of which was support for both flat and grouped views from a single control.  We do not know when our users will choose to group or not, and to do the same in the new IG architecture, we have to try and rig the WebHierachicalDataGrid which is just not up to the task the way the UltraWebGrid was.