• Re: I need Click Event of Button in WebDataGrid Control

    Hello ash , I have seen your code and hope this helps .

    you can add events on server side after webdatagrid like i did in the example below

    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdData" AutoGenerateColumns="False"  EnableAjax="False" CssClass…

  • Re: The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property.

    Hello Alex,

    When Paging is enabled WebDataGrid renders records based on page size. In order to look in to this let me know the page size and provide me markup of the WebDataGrid. You may also refer to the below link that will give you some tricks to…

  • Adding EditorProvider empties webdatagrid


    I've managed to isolate a problem to the following few lines.



                    <ig:NumericEditorProvider ID="NumProvider">

                        <EditorControl runat="server" ID="EditNumProvider">…

  • Losing checkbox style after pagination


    I'm using WebDataGrig from Infragistics Infragistics2.Web.v11.2.

    WebDataGrid has enable pagination mode "NextPreviousFirstLast".

    WebDataGrid has a checkbox column.

     <ig:BoundCheckBoxField DataFieldName="CONECTION" Key="CONECTION"…

  • Get DropDown selected value

    I have an aspx page, on which UserControl[ucGrid.ascx] is placed. In UserControl[ucGrid.ascx], WebdataGrid is used.

    Inside WebDatagrid,  another UserControl[ucDropDown.ascx] is used, which contains dropdown.

    How to access this dropdown value in Client…

  • WebDataGrid BoundDataField Tooptip and Fix Lenght

    Hi Team,

    How i can apply tooptip for webdatagrid boundcolum and if my Column Disply Text is  "Hello World" i require to show Hello first 5 caharacter on column and "Hello World" in tooltip how i can implement this scanario in Infragistic webdatagrid.…

  • Absolute Value Sourting (Numeric Column) in WebDatagrid

    Hi, I saw some old posts with UltraWebGrid w.r.t. this but did not see any new posts. Just wanted to check if there is any new settings in the WebDataGrid that allows for a Absolute Value Sorting on a numeric column in WebDataGrid.

    If you have any example…

  • Re: adding 'row adding " behavior to webdatagrid programatically

    Hello Grasshoper.

    You can use DropDownProvider for the purpose:


  • Populating WebDataGrid

    I am new to Infragistics and am trying to use the WebDataGrid.  All the videos and tutorials use SQL Server as a data source.  I would like to populate the WebDataGrid from a list or program generated data that I have built in my C# program.  Is there any…