I have an aspx page, on which UserControl[ucGrid.ascx] is placed. In UserControl[ucGrid.ascx], WebdataGrid is used.
Inside WebDatagrid, another UserControl[ucDropDown.ascx] is used, which contains dropdown.
How to access this dropdown value in Client Side on ucGrid.ascx page?
Hello Aujla,
To get the value of user control dropdown I would recommend you to enable ‘selection’ behavior of the WeddataGrid and set CellClickAction property to row so that every time when you select the row you will get the value .To get the value at clentside you have to use SelectionClientEvents event as:
Your code would be like as following code snippet:
<ig:Selection RowSelectType="Single" CellClickAction ="Row">
<SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanged ="getddValue" />
function getddValue(sender, e) {
var id = e.getSelectedRows().getItem(0).get_cell(3).get_element().children[1].id;
var WDD = $IG.WebDropDown.find(id);
var value = WDD.get_currentValue();
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you for contacting us.
To assist you better please provide the following information,
Do you have selection behavior enabled in the WebDataGrid?
which CellClickAction did you set? Is it row or cell?
I am trying to create exact scenario, please do provide the information so that I can help you further.