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Layout not loading


I've got a XamTilesControl with Tiles (created from a bound observable collection) which have a SerializationId set. When I save the layout, it produces a string (xml) containing the position of the Tile in a number format (I'm guessing this is a zero based index) and the saved data looks correct.

However, the problem I am having is that if I load the data again (via loadlayout), it doesn't put the tiles in the correct order but I think in the order of the underlying data. Is this expected behaviour or am I missing some setting?

The declaration of the XamTilesControl is below



<igTiles:XamTilesControl Grid.Row="1" MaximizedTileLimit="0" Name="ratePricerTilesControl"  BorderThickness="0" Theme="[current]" Margin="0" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" HeaderPath="Symbol" InterTileSpacingX="5" InterTileSpacingY="5" TileAreaPadding="5,5,1,1" Padding="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RatePricerList}" ItemContainerGenerationMode="PreLoad" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource RatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}" ItemTemplateMinimized="{DynamicResource MinimizedRatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}" ItemTemplateMaximized="{DynamicResource MaximizedRatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}">

I'm using version 10.2

Any help would be appreciated!

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