I've got a XamTilesControl with Tiles (created from a bound observable collection) which have a SerializationId set. When I save the layout, it produces a string (xml) containing the position of the Tile in a number format (I'm guessing this is a zero based index) and the saved data looks correct.
However, the problem I am having is that if I load the data again (via loadlayout), it doesn't put the tiles in the correct order but I think in the order of the underlying data. Is this expected behaviour or am I missing some setting?
The declaration of the XamTilesControl is below
<igTiles:XamTilesControl Grid.Row="1" MaximizedTileLimit="0" Name="ratePricerTilesControl" BorderThickness="0" Theme="[current]" Margin="0" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" HeaderPath="Symbol" InterTileSpacingX="5" InterTileSpacingY="5" TileAreaPadding="5,5,1,1" Padding="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RatePricerList}" ItemContainerGenerationMode="PreLoad" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource RatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}" ItemTemplateMinimized="{DynamicResource MinimizedRatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}" ItemTemplateMaximized="{DynamicResource MaximizedRatePricerItemDataTemplateKey}">
I'm using version 10.2
Any help would be appreciated!
It has been a while since you have made your post, in case you still need support I will be glad to assist you further. I suppose the other community members can benefit from this answer as well. I have been looking through your post and I created a sample project for you using the code you have provided. I also set the SerializationId of the Tiles, because without this property the Tiles cannot be saved correctly with all their settings.
Feel free to write me if you have further questions.
Instead of this boilerplate post, it would be better to solve the issue with a code example as people use these answers as references and it is a waste of time to search through here if a lot of these answers are "we haven't answered you in a long time do you still want an answer."
Hello Mike,
Please note we are making efforts to ensure that all forum posts are addressed by an Infragistics employee and there isn’t any forums older than 3-4 days without an answer. Also there is a sample project attached to the answer of this thread called ‘xamTilesSaveLoad.zip’ and you can download it. If you have any questions feel free to write and I will be glad to assist you.
Thanks, Stefan, I understand what you are saying, that you want posts answered.
My point is boilerplate is not an answer. If you take into account how people actually use the message board, you go to google or some search engine and you find links. Then you find a question that is aligned with your issue and when you click into the link and go to the site, what you find is boilerplate copy that does not address the question and you have wasted your time.
From my perspective, If you really want to deliver a higher level of service for your customers, reply to the question with a technically relevant answer. Then, even if that person solved it on their own, there is an answer there that someone else can use.
Thank you for listening.
I would again like to point out, that the sample project that Stephen has created and sent in his first reply, does answer the question from the first thread.
Besides from the two introductory sentences, I cannot image what exactly are you referring to.
Nevertheless thank you for your suggestion. We do think though that this is the appropriate manner in which we should communicate with our customers, community users and in many cases friends. Most likely this approach will not change in the near future.
Please let us know if we can assist you with anything else.
If you look at the thread there is one post which is a question. Then there is one answer, which is the boilerplate.
This poilerplate is copied and pasted to many answers. My point is that when doing a keyword search, you see that there is a topic that would interest you or give you the opportunity to learn something, but instead of an answer, there is boilerplate which does not answer the question. It is a waste of time and it happens alot.
My suggestion is to answer the question so that when people come into the thread from a keyword search, they have the benefit of an answer.
I have been following this discussion from the beginning and even from his first reply Stefan had looked into ben1979’s issue and has explained that the behavior he is experiencing is caused by the lack of the SerializationId property setting. To prove this is the case he has even created a test sample showing the solution in action, so that anyone who has the same issue, can easily verify it, without the chance of misinterpretation. Please let us know how this is a “boilerplate”, meaning is there any particular question that we have missed answering, or clearly explaining, so that we can provide you with a more elaborate solution.
Also if a forum post does not completely answer your specific issues you are more than welcome to start a new thread that exactly explains your situation so that we can look for a more particular answer.
Kindly looking forward to hearing from you.