I am using UltraDayView/UltraWeekView having multiple owners , i have added check boxes to the each Day column of UltraDayView/UltraWeekView from your below link.
I am having issue with getting the state of these check boxes on load.
For Example: On load, if for Owner 1 i want, Monday's and Tuesday's check state as True and others as False, for Owner 2 i want Thursday's, Firday's and Staturday's state as Trues rest false and So on... How can i get these checked state on load?
For example,
Hello Chitra,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
In order to set the check state of check boxes added through Creation Filter you need to set this state when you create these check boxes. To achieve this you can create a data collection with states of the check boxes for each owner and date. Then you can pass this data to the Creation Filter class through its constructor and set appropriate check boxes states.
Please find attached a small sample solution implementing this approach.
Please let me know if you need my further assistance.