I want to add 2 Check boxes inside the Day Column of UltraDayView/UltraWeekView, as shown in the figure.
Also if there is way i can track the check/uncheck value of these check boxes for each owner(as i have multiple owner in my application).
Hello Chitra,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.
You can use IUIElementCreationFilter interface in order to add CheckBoxes in UltraDayView/ UltraWeekView column headers. For more information please refer to the following post:
Please let me know if you need any further information.
The link you shared is the one i only posted; we want more enhancements and now add 2 check boxes inside each day column Header
I used the following Code to insert 1 check boxes inside Day Column Header
if (parent == DayHeaderAreaUIElement)
DayHeaderAreaUIElement HeaderCOl = new DayHeaderAreaUIElement(parent);
CheckBoxUIElement chkComplete1 = new CheckBoxUIElement(parent);
Point locChkComplete = parent.Rect.Location;
locChkComplete.Offset(parent.Rect.Width - 733, 40);
chkComplete1.Rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(locChkComplete, new Size(15, parent.Rect.Height - 44));
chkComplete1.Text = "Complete";
chkComplete1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
chkComplete1.ElementClick += chekComplete1_ElementClick;
I have Few Queries:
How to set the relative position instead of the absolute position with reference to parent, so that if my parent is moved the checkbox moves accordingly. The problem is scrolling horizontally, the check boxes remains at the same position and the grid behind is getting scrolled
How to relate parent of each check box. How can i track link between checkbox, Day and Owner. E.g.: As per my attach screen, my owner is MTV and Day is Dec-22-2012(Monday). So how will i come to know which checkbox will belong to which day of which Owner?
How to fix the height of the Day column Header?
Thanks and Regards
Please let me know if you need my further assistance on this matter.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Please find attached a revised sample implementing two checkboxes for each day of each owner. Please note to implement such behavior I have used Draw Filter and Creation Filter. Both these classes interact with the user interface elements. As general rule I am using these classes as last option as changing runtime the user interface may lead to some unexpected result.
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for or if I am missing something.