I am using UltraDayView/UltraWeekView having multiple owners , i have added check boxes to the each Day column of UltraDayView/UltraWeekView from your below link.
I am having issue with getting the state of these check boxes on load.
For Example: On load, if for Owner 1 i want, Monday's and Tuesday's check state as True and others as False, for Owner 2 i want Thursday's, Firday's and Staturday's state as Trues rest false and So on... How can i get these checked state on load?
For example,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
I am glad that you have resolved your issue. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Every thing is working as expected.
Hello Chitra,
Thank you for your feedback.
You may set check boxes for each user by clicking in corresponding check box in the UltraGrid by iterating the collection where you are holding the information about this states. Please note this collection (ownerState in MyCreation class) is private field, so you will need to add a public property in your MyCreation class. Please keep in mind this will change only the checkboxes you have already set some value. You cannot change all check boxes in each day header as day headers are “infinite” collection.
Please check attached revised version of my sample solution implementing this approach and let me know if you need any further assistance.
Hi Milko,
I need one more help with this, i have UltraGrid that displays 2 columns 'Owner_name' and 'Check_ind', Check_ind column is Check Box Column.
What i want is when user changes the state of Check Box in the UltraGrid against the Owner, than in UltraDayView/UltraWeekView all the states of check-boxes in each day header for that owner shoule also change.
For Example: If i have 2 Owners, say Owner1, Owner2. Currently for Owner1 all check-boxes in each day header are in False State, also in UltraGrid the check-box againts Owner1 is in False State. Now if i change the state to True in UltraGrid for Owner1, i want all the check-boxes in each day header for that Owner to be in True state.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on it.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.