I struggle to get a UltraCheckBoxEditor EditorComponent on a UltraTreeNodeCell to accept new values.
Example (13.1.20131.2027) is attached.
Why can I not change the value by clicking in the check box?
Hi Blue,
The problem is that you have a Checkbox in a column whose DataType is string. So the CheckBox doesn't know what to do with a string. This is very easy to fix:
valueColumn.DataType = typeof(bool);
Hello Mike,
I can not define a DataType of a column that must represent any kind of object.
Consider the value column's DataType of type object.
I works with ANY type except bool and CheckBox.
Try setting the DataType to object and see if that works.
it doesnt.
In that case, what you need is a DataFilter to convert the strings to booleans and vice versa. I modified your sample project with a DataFilter so it works and I have attached it here.
I didn't do a lot of testing with Indeterminate state or null, so if you need the field to be nullable, you might have to modify the DataEditor to account for that.
Hey Mike,
thanks a lot for this solution. I was thinking it was some kind of read only issue. Didnt think about adding a DataFilter.