I struggle to get a UltraCheckBoxEditor EditorComponent on a UltraTreeNodeCell to accept new values.
Example (13.1.20131.2027) is attached.
Why can I not change the value by clicking in the check box?
Hi Blue,
The problem is that you have a Checkbox in a column whose DataType is string. So the CheckBox doesn't know what to do with a string. This is very easy to fix:
valueColumn.DataType = typeof(bool);
Hello Mike,
I can not define a DataType of a column that must represent any kind of object.
Consider the value column's DataType of type object.
I works with ANY type except bool and CheckBox.
Try setting the DataType to object and see if that works.
it doesnt.
Hey Mike,
thanks a lot for this solution. I was thinking it was some kind of read only issue. Didnt think about adding a DataFilter.
In that case, what you need is a DataFilter to convert the strings to booleans and vice versa. I modified your sample project with a DataFilter so it works and I have attached it here.
I didn't do a lot of testing with Indeterminate state or null, so if you need the field to be nullable, you might have to modify the DataEditor to account for that.