I use an Infragistics UltraTree in a Winforms application as a treelist (outlook mode). The problem with the outlook mode is, that it is not possible to have node checkboxes. So my workaround is, to use a own column for the checkboxes.
My question is now, how can I achive, that there are only checkboxes in specific cells of this column (for example only in cells , which belongs to tree level 2)?
Hmmm. wrote this a long time ago. will get the project from the archive and give you the whole class. you will have to pick from it.
I am trying to achieve this very same look that you have here. Can you tell me how you did this? Could you post some code?
Thank you
Are you trying to archive similar to the image below?
In my tree_InitializeDataNode, I added code for each Parent that I don't want to show CheckBox. The Only problem I am having is I dont want to show all the column headers and want my list to be tighter. I don't know how to do that.
With e.Node if .BandName = "tblIndustry" then .Cells("Required").AllowEdit = AllowCellEdit.Disabled End ifEnd With