I use an Infragistics UltraTree in a Winforms application as a treelist (outlook mode). The problem with the outlook mode is, that it is not possible to have node checkboxes. So my workaround is, to use a own column for the checkboxes.
My question is now, how can I achive, that there are only checkboxes in specific cells of this column (for example only in cells , which belongs to tree level 2)?
I have ultrawintree with node style is checkbox.
my tree structure is lilke below
checkbox + parent
checkbox + child1
checkbox + child2
checkbox + child3 after this label i need another checkbox based on data available in database.
can you help me for the same
The code you refer to here is such a long time ago. if you give me an idea what you are trying to achieve, I may be able to assist.
I have added a snippet from what I believe is the project.
Hi Imagehq..
you had uploaed uTree.zip on 12-01-2010 when you have been through your codding part to display checkbox at the treenode
can you share that code
Hello Kevin,
You could achieve this by creating an 'UltraCheckEditor' control in your form, set its 'Text' property to empty string, narrow the control's width and assign it as 'EditorControl' to the desired column.
That would be great. Thank you