I use an Infragistics UltraTree in a Winforms application as a treelist (outlook mode). The problem with the outlook mode is, that it is not possible to have node checkboxes. So my workaround is, to use a own column for the checkboxes.
My question is now, how can I achive, that there are only checkboxes in specific cells of this column (for example only in cells , which belongs to tree level 2)?
Are you trying to archive similar to the image below?
In my tree_InitializeDataNode, I added code for each Parent that I don't want to show CheckBox. The Only problem I am having is I dont want to show all the column headers and want my list to be tighter. I don't know how to do that.
With e.Node if .BandName = "tblIndustry" then .Cells("Required").AllowEdit = AllowCellEdit.Disabled End ifEnd With
I am trying to achieve this very same look that you have here. Can you tell me how you did this? Could you post some code?
Thank you