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[13.2] Occasionally visibility is set to "hidden"


occasionally the visibility of the WHDG in one of our pages is set to "hidden", although the grid is present and has data rows. I can make the grid visible via firebug and everything is fine; therefore there should be no problem and no reason to make the grid invisible.

There is one error shown in the javascript debugger: "TypeError: this._scrollStyleSheet is null", nothing else.

The grid is placed inside a WebDialog control. I can close the dialog and reopen it, but the grid stays invisible. I have to restart either the application or the browser to make the grid visible again; clearing the browser chache does not work.

It seems that in version 12.1 an at least similar problem occured (see "infragistics is setting webdatagrid to visibility:hidden - version 12.1").

Is this a known bug and if so does a workaround exist?

Is there an easy way for a user to make the grid visible (i. e. not via firebug but via button click, javascript etc.)?

  • 18204
    Offline posted

    Hello Bernhardus,


    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    As Dave mentions in the forum thread you linked to, the WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid initially renders invisible to perform some calculations without affecting the appearance of the page.  Once the calculations finish, we reset the visibility.  In this case, the javascript error you are receiving is interrupting our calculations and preventing the visibility from resetting.

    After some initial research, this error appears to be related to the ColumnFixing behavior.  Could you please provide me with the following information to determine the cause of this:


    1.) What properties do you have enabled on the WebHierarchicalDataGrid, particularly pertaining to your behaviors.  Would you be able to provide the markup/code you are using for the grid?

    2.) Are you receiving any HTTP errors with your network traffic while the page is loading?

    3.) You said you are closing and opening the dialog and that the grid is visible after restarting the application or browser.  Is the WHDG visible when you originally open the WebDialog?  Could you please clarify the steps to reproduce this to better help me understand how to reproduce this?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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