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Template Columns and Adding a new row.

I have a bound template column with a checkbox in it.  ( Works OK for existing Rows )








<ig:TemplateDataField Key="ControlInPlace" Width="20px"><ItemTemplate>



<asp:CheckBox ID="chkControlInPlace" runat="server" Checked='<%# DataBinder.Eval(((Infragistics.Web.UI.TemplateContainer)Container).DataItem, "ControlInPlace")%>'

/></ItemTemplate><Header Text="InP" /></ig:TemplateDataField>

But when I click in the cell of the Add New Row Row, in that colum, it does not give me the checkbox. In face it does nothinng.

What am I missing ?

  • 33839
    Suggested Answer

    Hi soberly,

    A template data field is not actually bound to the data source, so the add row is not editable for templated fields.  You would have to edit the html on the client for the add row to have a checkbox and also have a hidden field on the grid for that field.  You then would have to edit the value of the hidden add cell when the checkbox is clicked.

    Alternatively, in 11.1, we are coming out with a Bound checkbox field.


    David Young

Reply Children
  • 19693
    posted in reply to Terry
    Hello soberly,
    You should add the onclick client event as an attribute to the CheckBox .
    You can do this inside the implementation of InstantiateIn :
    or inside RowInitialize event : 
    protected void WebDataGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs e)
            CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox)e.Row.Items[0].FindControl("CheckBox1");
            chkBox.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return doCommit();");       
    Inside this JS function you should simulate update  and commit the EditingCore behavior:  
            function doCommit() {
                var grid = $find('<%= WebDataGrid1.ClientID %>');
    // the second cell is not templated one
                var cellValue = grid.get_behaviors().get_activation().get_activeCell().get_row().get_cell(1).get_value();
    This should be done because templated field is not bound to data source and the WebDataGrid doesn't "know" that the value of the checkbox has been changed.  
    And last but not least you need to handle RowUpdating event in order to make the invocation of commit() work.
    Please let us know if you need further assistance regarding this.