when mouse over in an appoint,it will show a tooltip such as : 3pm-5pm Lunch(Cafe).But I want modified this tooltip like that :
Time : 3pm-5pmSubject : LunchLocation : CafeDescription : meeting a client
How I can do it?
I know from experience that the Infragistics object model does not natively allow for a lot of customization of the tooltips. I had to write additional code that built up javascript for each appointment that would then modify the actual table and div title attributes after they were rendered.
If you are interested in more details, I could look into the possibility of posting some of my code.
Here is Infragistics' response:
Unfortunately, As such there is no functionality available to customize tooltip of an activity in WebDayView, WebWeekView and WebMonthView controls. I have logged a feature request on your behalf with the following description so that this functionality may be added to a future release. Your reference number for these feature requests are FR09077, FR09078 and FR09079.
FR Description: "Customer wants the functionality to customize tooltip of an activity in WebDayView."
FR Description: "Customer wants the functionality to customize tooltip of an activity in WebWeekView."
FR Description: "Customer wants the functionality to customize tooltip of an activity in WebMonthView."
Yes,I'm interested in more detail, may you posting some of your possiibility code.
If all you are looking for is to be able to accomplish this:
Then this should do the trick:
myDayView.AppointmentTooltipFormatString = "Time: <START_DATE_TIME>-<END_DATE_TIME><NEW_LINE>Subject: <SUBJECT><NEW_LINE>Location: <LOCATION><NEW_LINE>Description: <DESCRIPTION>";
Or were you looking to customize even further?
What about if I need get data from certain field value from database and display it in <DESCRIPTION>
Thank you.
Did you get an answer to the above question?
I want to display the 'Resource' name in the tooltip and cannot find a way to do it.