XamComboEditor is not clearing in silverlight 5 but its working siilverlight 4, please can help me on this.
HI Srinivas D,
could you please be more specific - what/how is not clearing in SL4? Also what version and build number you're using? A sample solution reproducing the behaviour would also be helpful.
.xaml file like below...........
<ig:XamComboEditor x:Name="txtBussUnit" Grid.Column="14" Grid.Row="2" Width="150" EmptyText="--Select--" ItemsSource="{Binding BusinessUnitItems,Mode=TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath="Text" SelectedItem="{Binding BusinessUnit,Mode=TwoWay}" IsEditable="False"/><Button Content="Clear" Command="{Binding CustomerSearchClearCommandBase,Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="{Binding CustomerSearchField,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
in .cs file like below ...................
CustomerSearchClearCommandBase = new CommandBase(CustomerSearchCtrlClear);
private void CustomerSearchCtrlClear(object parameter) {
try { SetBusyIndicator(true); CustomerSearchField = null; CustomerSearchField = new Search();
CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnitItems = TempCustomerSearchField.BusinessUnitItems; CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit;}catch(Exception ex){throw (eX);}
When we click on clear button in silver light 4 its clearing in Business Unit Dropdown, but when we click on clear button in silver light 5 its throwing exception at CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit; error like Cutomcombo object instance.
Businessunit is a CustomComboBox in Search class.
My question here is it support XamComboEditor in silverlight 5 or not? if it is support then please let me know this issue with infragistics or Microsoft related.
Hello Srinivas,
I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.
I have been looking into the code you have provided, but since there are methods and custom classes that you use I wasn’t able to reproduce your issue, so could you please send us an isolated sample project, where the issue is reproduced, so we can investigate this further for you.
Looking forward for your reply.
Clearing XamComboEditor:
When i select Combobox dropdown list and assigning itemscollection 0 index its clearing, but if we not select Combobox dropdown if we are trying to asssign itemcollection 0 index its throughing Complex object instances can not be shared. Please can help me its very urgent.
How to clear
XamComboEditor values and assign index o value