XamComboEditor is not clearing in silverlight 5 but its working siilverlight 4, please can help me on this.
HI Srinivas D,
could you please be more specific - what/how is not clearing in SL4? Also what version and build number you're using? A sample solution reproducing the behaviour would also be helpful.
.xaml file like below...........
<ig:XamComboEditor x:Name="txtBussUnit" Grid.Column="14" Grid.Row="2" Width="150" EmptyText="--Select--" ItemsSource="{Binding BusinessUnitItems,Mode=TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath="Text" SelectedItem="{Binding BusinessUnit,Mode=TwoWay}" IsEditable="False"/><Button Content="Clear" Command="{Binding CustomerSearchClearCommandBase,Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="{Binding CustomerSearchField,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
in .cs file like below ...................
CustomerSearchClearCommandBase = new CommandBase(CustomerSearchCtrlClear);
private void CustomerSearchCtrlClear(object parameter) {
try { SetBusyIndicator(true); CustomerSearchField = null; CustomerSearchField = new Search();
CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnitItems = TempCustomerSearchField.BusinessUnitItems; CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit;}catch(Exception ex){throw (eX);}
When we click on clear button in silver light 4 its clearing in Business Unit Dropdown, but when we click on clear button in silver light 5 its throwing exception at CustomerSearchField.BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit; error like Cutomcombo object instance.
Businessunit is a CustomComboBox in Search class.
My question here is it support XamComboEditor in silverlight 5 or not? if it is support then please let me know this issue with infragistics or Microsoft related.