After passing areGridlinesVisible={false} in
Hello Jeevan,
My team and I have done an initial review of this post, and are the gridlines enabled in the Workbook that you are loading to the IgrSpreadsheet, assuming that you are loading one?
I ask, as the setting on the IgrSpreadsheet will be overridden by the Workbook that you load if the headers and gridlines are enabled in the corresponding Workbook / Worksheet. If you want to prevent this when loading the Workbook / Worksheet, you can do so by setting the Worksheet object’s displayOptions.showGridlines and displayOptions.showRowAndColumnHeaders properties to false.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your quick response,I have managed to hide the grid lines in another way. I have another query can I inject data from an API response inside excel cells then I can save the excel it in some cloud storage??
The process for injecting data into the IgrSpreadsheet is the same as mentioned above – there is no data source, and everything happens through the Excel Library Workbook and the Worksheets contained within. If you do not assign one to the IgrSpreadsheet, it will still have a default one that can be accessed from the workbook or activeWorksheet properties.
From there, you can use either the rows and then the cells collection of the Worksheet element to add your data or you can utilize the getCell method on the Worksheet to get the cell by Excel address and set the value property on the WorksheetCell element that is returned.
Actually I wanted to inject data inside current spreadsheet rendering on the webpage by targeting the cell address after getting the API response. Can you please help me?
Thank you for your update on this matter. I am glad that you were able to hide the gridlines.
Regarding injection of data from an API response, you can do this, but there is no “data source” for the IgrSpreadsheet. Everything happens through the Excel Library Workbook and the Worksheets contained within. With that said, you can inject the API response data into the Worksheets by accessing the rows collection on the Worksheet(s) and then the cells on the row. There is an example that demonstrates usage of the rows and cells collections here:
Regarding saving to cloud storage, I would recommend taking a look at our Excel Utility as this demonstrates what we currently recommend to save and load Excel files: