After passing areGridlinesVisible={false} in
Hello Jeevan,
My team and I have done an initial review of this post, and are the gridlines enabled in the Workbook that you are loading to the IgrSpreadsheet, assuming that you are loading one?
I ask, as the setting on the IgrSpreadsheet will be overridden by the Workbook that you load if the headers and gridlines are enabled in the corresponding Workbook / Worksheet. If you want to prevent this when loading the Workbook / Worksheet, you can do so by setting the Worksheet object’s displayOptions.showGridlines and displayOptions.showRowAndColumnHeaders properties to false.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your quick response,I have managed to hide the grid lines in another way. I have another query can I inject data from an API response inside excel cells then I can save the excel it in some cloud storage??