I am working on a data intensive web application on Angular 2 which needed a Pivot Table with charts functionality similar to pivot table present in Infragistics library for silverlight .
I have investigated igPivotGrid angular 2 components but haven't find any option to show charts (which is present in Infragistics library for silverlight). How can I show charts with pivot grid(igPivotGrid) using angular2?
Hello Yogesh,
Are you looking for such sample: http://www.igniteui.com/pivot-grid/chart-integration, but in Angular 2?
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Hi, Many thanks for the prompt reply. Yes, I am looking for same sample with angularjs2 where we can show chart below the Pivot Table. Please find sample image below for your review. Can we achieve it with igPivotGrid angularjs 2 component?
Thanks & Regards,Yogesh Yadav
Attached you can find Angular 2 application with igPivotGrid and igDataChart. It doesn’t represent the same configuration as in the screenshot that you attached but you should easily modify it to achieve the same.
Here is more info about this. When I run the example, I have changed the UpdateChart function loop over the columnHeaders to this (changed type to StackedFragment and remove x/yaxis). The error is "this.series(...).__inner[a].isRadial is not a function". If I change the type back to "column" and uncomment the x/y axis, it works as expected.
for (columnHeaderIndex = 0; columnHeaderIndex < columnHeaders.count() ; columnHeaderIndex++) { series[columnHeaderIndex] = { name: "series" + columnHeaderIndex, title: columnHeaders.item(columnHeaderIndex).caption(), type: "stackedFragment", //"stackedFragment" "area" "column" // xAxis: "xAxis", // yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "col" + columnHeaderIndex }; console.log ("series", series[columnHeaderIndex]) };
Do you also have an example for doing a Stacked Column chart? I get an error when using your example, but changing it to a stacked chart.