I am working on a data intensive web application on Angular 2 which needed a Pivot Table with charts functionality similar to pivot table present in Infragistics library for silverlight .
I have investigated igPivotGrid angular 2 components but haven't find any option to show charts (which is present in Infragistics library for silverlight). How can I show charts with pivot grid(igPivotGrid) using angular2?
Hello Yogesh,
Are you looking for such sample: http://www.igniteui.com/pivot-grid/chart-integration, but in Angular 2?
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Hi, Many thanks for the prompt reply. Yes, I am looking for same sample with angularjs2 where we can show chart below the Pivot Table. Please find sample image below for your review. Can we achieve it with igPivotGrid angularjs 2 component?
Thanks & Regards,Yogesh Yadav
Here is more info about this. When I run the example, I have changed the UpdateChart function loop over the columnHeaders to this (changed type to StackedFragment and remove x/yaxis). The error is "this.series(...).__inner[a].isRadial is not a function". If I change the type back to "column" and uncomment the x/y axis, it works as expected.
for (columnHeaderIndex = 0; columnHeaderIndex < columnHeaders.count() ; columnHeaderIndex++) { series[columnHeaderIndex] = { name: "series" + columnHeaderIndex, title: columnHeaders.item(columnHeaderIndex).caption(), type: "stackedFragment", //"stackedFragment" "area" "column" // xAxis: "xAxis", // yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "col" + columnHeaderIndex }; console.log ("series", series[columnHeaderIndex]) };
Do you also have an example for doing a Stacked Column chart? I get an error when using your example, but changing it to a stacked chart.
Attached you can find Angular 2 application with igPivotGrid and igDataChart. It doesn’t represent the same configuration as in the screenshot that you attached but you should easily modify it to achieve the same.