On click on grid's cell the entire row of the grid (with clicked cell) is selected completely.
But I need to select only the clicked cell, row must be stay unselected. How to achieve this?
Here is my grid
Hello, Teodosia. Thanks for reply. I need [rowSelection]="'multiple", not even "single" - as mentioned in my question.So far I have managed to achieve this goal only with adding of boolean flag for "cell-Selected" event in my js code and checking it in "onRowSelectionChange" handler.
(onSelection)="onCellSelection($event)" (onRowSelectionChange)="onRowSelectionChange($event)"></igx-grid>
js code: cellSelected : boolean = false;
public onCellSelection(event) { this.cellSelected = true; }
public onRowSelectionChange(event) { if (this.cellSelected){ event.cancel = true; this.cellSelected = false; } } It looks quite ugly, of course. Would be nice to get the same result by adjustment of some grid settings.Is it possible?
By design selection feature provides either row or cell selection and the described behavior should be achieved manually, as in your approach by handling igx-grid events. Having this in mind, your workaround in this case looks good.
Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
Teodosia Hristodorova
Associate Software Developer